Pred nedávnom mi prišli objednané veci z Ebay,- som dostala darček od ségry na narodeniny!!! a tak som sa rozhodla, že vám niečom o nich poviem. Tento nákup stál do 10€ čo je podľa mňa dosť výhodná cena za všetky tieto výrobky a určite by ste ich nikde nezohnali lacnejšie. Tak poďme nato.
A while ago, my ordered things from Ebay came - it was a gift from my sister for my birthday!! so I've decided, I'll tell you something about them. This purchase costed around 10€, which is really not that of a high price for this many things. I'm sure, you wouldn't find them cheaper anywhere. So.. let's roll.
Najviac z čoho sa teším sú tieto úžasne štetce. Sú jednoduchej bielej a oranžovej farby a štetinky sú úplne hebučké. Medzi týmito všetkými štetcami sa nachádza aj jedno bodkovatko, z ktorého som tiež veľmi šťastná.
The very first thing I'm most hyped about are these amazing brushes. They are simple white and orange colour and the bristles are really soft. Together with brushes came a dotting tool, that I'm happy about too.
A second thing that I really wanted are these stripes. They're 30 of them in total and every one of them is a different colour, which is nice and I'm really looking forward to using it for all the manis I planned.
Stampler with a scraper. I like the combination of mint green and black. I tried stamping and I think we're gonna be friends. Be sure to expect a seperate review on that.
The template plate with mostly lace patterns is great. The 3rd pattern on the left side in the first row is my favorite but others are really pretty too.
Ďalej tu máme farebné glitre. V nádobke sa nachádza 50 kusov v dvanástich farbách. Farby týchto glitrov sú prevažne kriklavé ale nájdu sa tu aj pastelové.
Then we have colourful gitters. In the container there are 50 pieces in twelve colours. Colours of these glitters are mostly really bright but there can be found pastel ones too.
Pierkové nálepky na nechty bola tiež dobrá voľba. V balení sa nachádza 12 pierkových nálepiek v piatich rôznych farbách.
Feather stickers for the nails were a really good choice too. There are 12 feather stickes in 5 different colours in the package.
And the last we have another stickers for nails. 10 different pictures for whole nails and every one of them have flower pattern on it. I like all of these stickers and in near future expect a review on one of them.
Ako sa vám páčil dnešný článok? Čo si myslíte o týchto výrobkoch? Máte aj vy nejaký z týchto výrobkov? Ak áno, ste s nimi spokojná?
How did you like todays article? What do you think about these products? Do you own any of these products? If yes, are you happy with them?
How did you like todays article? What do you think about these products? Do you own any of these products? If yes, are you happy with them?
Jej toľko krasnych vecí. :-)