Nail polishes by the brand Oriflame are well known among everybody so I've decided to dedicate this artcle to them. I mean one particulary and that is Top Coat Very Me Nail Graffiti.
Najskôr som si nalakovala biely lak od Essence v odtieni 33 Wild White Ways z kolekcie Gel Nail polish. Postačili mi dve vrstvy ale myslím si, že keby si dáte len jednu a hrubšiu vrstvu, tak vám to tiež prekryje. Na tento lak plánujem aj samostatnú recenziu, tak sa máte načo tešiť.
Firstly, I painted my nails white with nail polish by Essence in shade 33 Wild White Ways from the collection Gel Nail polish. Two coats were enough, but I think if you paint one thick layer it will do just fine. I'm planing on doing separate review on this nail polish so you have a lot to look forward to.
Keď mi lak uschol, tak som si nalakovala jednu vrstvu praskajúceho laku. Avšak výsledok sa mi zdal taký slabý, tak som skúsila aj druhú. A výsledok? Úžasný! Dve vrstvy tomu dodali väčší efekt a som s nimi nad mieru spokojná.
Once the nail polish had dried I painted one coat of cracking nail polish. However, the result wasn't as intense as I wanted it to be so I tried another layer. And the result? Amazing! Two coats gave it better effect and I'm more than happy with them.
Nail polish cracked within one minute and dried during two minutes which is another big plus. But after it dried it have became matt, so I recommend using a matt top coat after or use a white matt nail polish under it. The nail polish lasted about one week and I think it would have be even longer if I hadn't removed it. I absolutely recommend this nail polish and I think it's great. The price moves around five euro.
Ako sa vám dnešný článok páčil? Chceli by ste viac recenzii? Ak máte tento lak, aké máte skúsenosti?
How do you like todays article? Would you like more reviews? If you have this nail polish, what are your experiences with it?
How do you like todays article? Would you like more reviews? If you have this nail polish, what are your experiences with it?
Nehty vypadají skvěle! :o Upřímně závidím... Já si nehty nechávám dělat umělé, protože nemám nervy se s tím piplat. :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCatherine Ribbon
Ďakujem, aj mne keď sa niekedy nedarí mám s tým nervy, tak ale výsledok stojí zato ;) :)