You could have known by now, that my package from Ebay finally came with water transfer stickers for nails, so I've decided to do review on them.
Prvé a aj jediné čo by som vám k ním povedala: sú úžasné. Vzor na vodolepkách je krásny a práca s nimi úžasná.
The first thing I would like to mention is that they are amazing! The pattern on the water transfer stickers is beautiful and the work is effortless.
So the first thing I did was that I cut the stickers along the dotted lines. Next I prepared a bowl where I poured the water. 3rd step was that I took of the sheet from the water stickers and placed the sticker into the water. Then I waited less than a minute and with the help of a tweezers I took it out of the water. I moved the wet motive from the base papier and pressed it on the nail. Then I fixed the imperfections. And the result? Fantastic.
I applied the water transfer sticker on white painted nail by the brand Essence v odtieni 33- Wild White Ways and finished it off with the top coat by the same brand Essence.
Výdrž týchto vodolepiek by bola dlhá ale ja som si ich po troch dňoch odlakovala.
These stickers would last a long time, but I removed them after 3 days.
These stickers would last a long time, but I removed them after 3 days.
Tak ty vodolepky jsou nádherné! :) Mohla bych Tě poprosit o odkaz na Ebay, kde se dají koupit? Nějak jsem je nenašla. Jinak líbí se mi Tvůj vzled blogu, kombinaci černé a bílé mám moc ráda.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťS láskou Rose :* - budu ráda když se mrkneš na Můj blog a zanecháš nějaký pěkný komentář.
Ďakujem. Som rada, že sa ti páčia. Rada by som ti dala link, ale bohužiaľ už neviem od koho som to presne kupovala, prepáč. A chválu dizajnu môjho blogu si veľmi vážim, keďže som si všimla, že sa tomu venuješ :)
Odstrániťsuper svieze, na leto parada :)