Viete aké je ťažké si vybrať iba 5 lakov z vašej zbierky? Poviem vám, dosť ťažke! Snažila som sa vybrať hlavne také laky, ktoré dlho vydržia, sú lacné a dobre vyzerajú na vašich nechtoch.
Do you know how hard it is to choose from 5 nail polishes of your collection? I tell you, it is hard. I tried to choose mainly those nail polishes, that are long lasting, cheap and look good when painted on your nails.
O tomto laku som písala už aj samostatnú recenziu, kde ste sa v nej mohli veľa dozvedieť. Farba tohto laku je klasické biela, ktorá by nemala chýbať žiadnej žene. Celkovo laky od Essence vydržia dlho a u tohto to nebola vínimka. Lak mi na nechtoch vydržal týždeň, možno by vydržal aj dlhšie keby si ho neodlakujem. Všimla som si však, že na menších nechtoch vydržal len 3-4 dní, čo je škoda. Postačia vám kľudne dve vrstvy. Lak sa dá zohnať v DM-ke, v Tescu stánkoch a aj v Kauflande za 1,69€.
I wrote a separate review on this nail polish, where you have a lot of information there. The color of this nail polish is classic white, which shouldn't be missed in any womans collection. All together nail polishes from Essence last a long time on nails and this one is not an exception. The nail polish lasted one week on my nails, maybe it would be even for a longer periord of time if I didn't remove it. But I noticed, that on shorter nails the nail polish lasted only for 3-4 days. 2 coats are just enough. The nail polish can be found in DM, Tesco or Kaufland for 1,69€.
2. 096 Lasting Color gel-Pupa
S týmto lakom som už robila aj DIY Ombre nail a vznikla z toho celkom dobrá kombinácia. Tento lak je trochu drahší a stojí okolo piatich eur ale niekedy má Pupa akcie, kde stojí okolo troch eur, čo sa oplatí. Na úplne prekrytie nechta používam dve vrstvy a lak vydrží týždeň.
With this nail polish I did DIY Ombre nail and it came out a really good combination. This nail polish is a little bit more expensive and costs around 5 euro, but sometimes Pupa have actions on them, when they are only for 3 euro. For entire coverage I use 2 coats and the nail polish lasts for one week.
3. 04 Mistero Grey-Gabriella Salvete
Trblietavý lak je samozrejmosťou. Dizajn tohto laku vyzerá luxusne a draho, ale opak je pravdou. Lak stojí menej ako 3 eurá. Keďže je lak trblietavý, tak si aj horšie odlakuje a preto radšej na odlakovanie ani nemyslím. Radšej si viac ako dve vrstvy nedávajte aby ste ho vôbec odlakovali. Výdrž laku ako býva zvykom, jeden týždeň.
Glitter nailpolish is a must. Design of this nail polish is luxurious and rich but it's just a cover. In reality, the nail polish costs just 3 euro. Just because it's glitter nail polish, the removing is harder so I don't want to think about that. Better not use more than 2 coats or you'll never remove it. The endurance of the nail polish is the usual - one week.
4. 17 Caught On The Red Carpet-Catrice
Vínová farba v mojej päťke určite nemôže chýbať. Na elegantnú červenú nedám nikdy dopustiť a vďaka Catrice moje nechty vyzerajú úžasne. Cena laku je 2,59€ čo nieje veľa. Aj tento lak vydrží na mojich nechtoch skoro týždeň a v dvoch vrstvách.
Wine color can't be missing in my top five. I can't say anything bad about the red color and thanks to Catrice my nails look amazing. The price of the nail polish is 2,59€, which is not much. The endurance of the nail polish is one week with 2 coats.
5. 28 hello sunshine-Essence
A keďže máme to leto, tak v mojej zbierke nemôže chýbať ani tento žltý lak, vďaka ktorému určite zažiarite. Laky od Essence mám celkovo rada, pretože sú lacné a aj kvalitou vyhovujúce. No a povedzme si, kde zoženiete taký lak. Vo fľaštičke vyzerá farba žltá ale na nechtoch to je skôr taká horčicová. Na úplne prekrytie budete potrebovať 2-3 vrstvy. Výdrž max. 5 dní. Cena: 1,69€
And because we have summer, yellow nail polish can't be missed in my collection, thanks to which you' ll be glowing. I really like using nail polishes from Essence because they' re cheap and have a good quality. So let' s count where cloud we found nail polish like that. The color in the container seems to be yellow. but on the nails it looks more like a mustard color. For whole coverage you will need 2-3 coats. Lasting of the nail plish is max. 5 days. Price 1,69 €.
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